
Orono postpones bicentennial events

ORONO, Maine — The town of Orono will have to wait to celebrate the bicentennial this year. 

A slew of events honoring Orono’s 214th birthday, along with Maine’s bicentennial, scheduled for Saturday, March 14, have been postponed to an undetermined date. 

The postponement came shortly after Gov. Janet Mills announced that communities should consider putting off large gatherings for at least 30 days to limit potential spreading of the coronavirus. 

[Janet Mills advises postponing gatherings after Maine sees first positive coronavirus test]

Mills said the recommendation will be re-evaluated in the coming weeks. 

“We understand the disappointment this may cause but feel that, given the updates of recent days, it would be unwise to go forward with the event at this time. We hope to have a new date as the situation becomes clearer,” the town posted on its website

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